

ANAS.DIGITAL is an pedagogical platform for teaching Arabic language, based on the latest technologies of e-learning.
This educational project created for non-Arabic-speaking students and teachers is the result of the efforts of many experts in different disciplines: Arabic language, educational sciences, computer science, communication technologies...
ANAS.DIGITAL it is also the result of close collaboration between three specialized agencies:

INTELLIGENCIA a Tunis-based company, a leader in IT services and digital transformation, today develops Web applications, creates high-level dynamic websites and provides technical assistance to E-learning projects based on innovative and intelligent systems, including the development of e-learning strategies, planning, design and deployment of distance learning platforms.

Granada Editions it is the company that provided the curriculum used in the ANAS.DIGITAL platform. It is known as one of the most important institutions in the world specializing in the publication of Arabic learning books for non-Arabic speakers.

International Training and Promotion Centre is a training organization specialized in several fields of expertise, mainly: teaching Arabic for non-Arabic speakers, teacher training, and support for educational projects.


It is a reorganization of courses, designed to stimulate the learner to build his own learning process, in-line with his personal pace and time availability, while taking advantage of a variety of additional texts and exercises traditional courses do not allow.


When you want ...
Where you want ...
As you want ...


  • It’s a fact: digital is part of our life. It is an unavoidable teaching tool.
  • Every day, we use computers, smartphones, pads and many other connected tools to surf on the web, search for information, communicate…
  • We want to teach our children to make a moderate and appropriate use of the tools for an educational objective, playful and supervised.
  • The Z generation has developed new habits, new automatisms, and traditional learning methods are becoming insufficient.


language level
in less than 30 minutes

Evaluate your Arabic language level thanks to the FREE online level test
"ANAS - Arabic for Non Arabic Speakers"

developed according to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CECRL.

This test gives you an accurate assessment of your language skills.
At the end of this test, you discover your level on the CEFR scale (from A1 to B1), the other three advanced levels B2, C1 and C2 will be added soon.
The Arabic language level test "ANAS" is composed of 50 questions and exercises to assess your skills in:

  • Reading
  • comprehension
  • vocabulary
  • Spelling
  • Grammar
  • Conjugation

At the end of the test, you will receive a confirmation email.
You will have your overall result and your level on the scale of the European Framework as well as an invitation to discover our Arabic language training program.

Teaching the Arabic language

Thanks to a privilege access to a learning space on our so-called "virtual classroom" platform, the learner can take classes from home with unlimited time. It is possible for him to follow the lessons with the accompaniment of the teacher.

7 Courses
starting with the preparatory level and finishing with the 6th level
+250 learning modules


We have added the level A0 (which doesn't exist in the CEFRL scale), to distinguish those who are new to the Arabic language and have never learned it.
Based on a playful approach, the introductory level aims to make the characteristics of Arabic letters familiar to children, to get them used to correcting their pronunciation, and it aims also to make them discover new forms of writing through having fun, playing games, addressing and paying attention.
This level also teaches the conversion of a sound into a written letter (writing) and conversely (reading). The child can read only the letter or the whole word then he can memorize a new vocabulary that will give him basic language knowledge that is essential for the next level.


LEVEL 1 - A1.1

In this level, we continue preparing the learner to obtain the fundamentals of the Arabic language, depending on the following objectives:
• Improve the learner's pronunciation and familiarize him with the sounds of Arabic letters, so that he can tell apart between them when he speaks, writes and listens.
• Develop a basic linguistic and lexical knowledge that the learner is able to exploit correctly (expressions).
• Start with words to form sentences.


LEVEL 2 - A1.2

This level enhances the acquired skills. The learner is able to read the letters and use them in short, simple words or sentences.
He learns to distinguish the letters with similarities in both spoken and written forms.
He continues to expand his vocabulary, which allows him to understand what he is told and to express himself with simple sentences.


LEVEL 3 - A2-.1

Learning is like a building game.
This level is intended to stabilize the achievements of the previous years and to control the reading skills in a better way: articulation, phonetics and respecting the connection and distinction rules between sounds and words.
The learner is able to form sentences and read correctly. He learns the basic rules of grammar, conjugation and spelling, in order for him to build a strong foundation that allows him to continue expanding his knowledge of the language.


LEVEL 4 - A2.2

At the end of this level, the learner can read a text correctly, in a continuous and meaningful way while respecting the punctuation.
He expresses himself properly, in both oral and written forms, and he knows how to describe in an accurate and detailed manner.
He continues to discover the rules of grammar, morphology, conjugation, spelling, and learns to use them in conversations and while writing.


LEVEL 5 - B1.1

At the end of this new stage, the learner reads Arabic texts correctly, understands their different meanings and knows how to reformulate them.
Both the themes and the types of discourse in this level (descriptive, narrative) were chosen to achieve these objectives.


LEVEL 6 - B1.2

This level equates to a switch in learning. At this point, the learner is able to translate his thoughts into spoken and written language.
The development of expressive skills will be an important part of this program, thanks to the themes that are specifically chosen to make learners focus on communication and on the frequent use of the literal Arabic language.


Teaching the Arabic language

Thanks to a privilege access to a learning space on our so-called "virtual classroom" platform, the learner can take classes from home with unlimited time. It is possible for him to follow the lessons with the accompaniment of the teacher.

5 Courses
du Niv. A0 au Niv. B2
+200 modules d'apprentissage

Teachers training

This program is meant for the Arabic language teachers who teach non-Arabic speakers, it is sanctioned by a certificate of qualification.
The offered courses are based on a participative and interactive approach, using our distance learning platform "ANAS" and the latest information and communication technologies.

Contact us

For more information please don't hesitate to contact us.


+33 6 10 81 02 85

7 Allée d'Anjou
Neuilly-sur-Marne - FRANCE


+216 25 90 23 06

50 Rue Platon
Z.I. Kheireddine

You can also download the brochure at the link below